خانه راهنمای خرید پیگیری سفارش پشتیبانی درباره ما تماس با ما

Gendered Power Dynamics and Exotic Dance

Gendered Power Dynamics and Exotic Dance

Gendered Power Dynamics and Exotic Dance examines the social phenomenon of exotic dancing. Presenting a compelling multilevel analysis of dancer interactions, organizational practices, and institutional forces, this book challenges our understanding of sexuality and power.

Centering the voices and experiences of exotic dancers, this book explores the relationship between exotic dancing and power at the micro-interactional, meso-organizational, and macro-institutional levels, informing a feminist theory of power that seeks out systems of domination in order to challenge and change them. Through direct interviews and observations collected between 1993 and 2021 from 40 different clubs in the United States, Deshotels and Forsyth demystify the seemingly contrary findings about exotic dancing and power. They show how and why individual dancers can be simultaneously empowered and exploited beyond individual traits, interactions, or settings in the nexus of gender and power in exotic dancing.

1. Introduction: Exotic Dancing and Power

2. Dancing with Power: Setting the Stage

3. You’re Sitting on A Gold Mine: Exotic Dancing and Power at the Micro Interactional Level of Analysis

4. Sex Rules: The Relationship Between Exotic Dancing, Organizational Rules and Workplace Culture

5. McSexy: An Examination of How Market Forces and Cultural Images Impact Dancer Power

6. The Next Stage: Power and Empowerment

The book will be useful for scholarly readers in the subject areas of sociology, cultural studies, gender/sexualities studies, sex work, and organizations theory. Written in a clear, accessible manner, this book will also appeal to a general audience interested in understanding the complex interactions of gender, power, feminism, and exotic dance.

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gendered power dynamics and exotic dance_ a multilevel analysis (2021)_1629299073_51568_11370_1878.zip2.71 MB
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